acceptAccept a partnership deal with a server./accept <server_id> <channel> <ping_roles> [message]
blacklist addBlacklist a server from posting ads./blacklist add <server_id> [reason]
blacklist checkView details about a partnership blacklist./blacklist check <server_id>
cancelCancel a partnership deal./cancel <server_id> [message]
config managerConfigure the partnership manager role./config manager <role>
config minamountConfigure the minimum amount required to post heist./config minamount <amount>
config defaultchannelConfigure the default channel to post heists./config defaultchannel <channel>
config defaultcooldownConfigure the default cooldown to post heists./config defaultcooldown <cooldown_in_hours>
config heistlogsConfigure the heist logging channel./config heistlogs <channel>
infoView key details about a server./info [server_id]
offerOffer a partnership deal to a server./offer <server_id> <channel> <ping_roles> [message]
pending-offers viewView pending deals by type./pending-offers view <sent offers|recieved offers>
pending-offers cancelCancel pending deal by type./pending-offers cancel <sent offers|recieved offers> <server_id>
reachCheck your heist ad reach for different pings./reach <channel> <roles>
setupStarts an interactive process to setup shero bot./setup <amount> <heistlogs> <cooldown> <default-channel> <manager>